Player (PvP) cases but also has a few rare cases for Player vs. Hardiness reduces the duration of stun effects this is great for Player vs. This is a nice little buff that both Enh and Ele can make use of for times when more burst damage is needed. Blood Fury is an active skill that provides an increase to the Shamans melee and spell damage for 15 seconds and has a 2 minute cooldown. Mages can learn to use daggers and one-handed swords from a Weapon Trainer but keep in mind one thing: as a mage, you have the lowest Attack Power of any class. Staves are the preferred weapon for a Mage to use since most staves offer bonuses to Intellect. This benefits Enhancement more than the other specs. Meleeing drops off dramatically in DPS for a Mage after level 10. OrcĪxe Specialization passively increased Expertise with Fist Weapons, Axes, and Two-Handed Axes.

And there were lots of drops, just brilliant for our lvl. balance druid and a fire mage (as far as specialization goes for lvl 12-14 ), this was easy as pie.
Hex is a curse that crowd controls enemies. Always up to date with the latest patch (9.2.7).Due to its low-level requirement, straightforward progression path, and elementary mechanics, RFC is widely considered to be the easiest dungeon in the game. The instance portal is situated deep within the Cleft of Shadow. Wind Shear is the new interrupt, decoupled from Earth Shock. Ragefire Chasm s a level 13-18 dungeon located in the Horde capital city of Orgrimmar in Classic WoW.Call of the Elements, Call of the Ancestors, Call of the Spirits are learned at levels 30, 40, and 50, respectively. This can be made to include one, two, three, or all four totems at once. 3 Totem Presets allow Shamans to customize which totems get cast in one Global Cooldown.